What is Tint Seal?
Our team has been searching for a solution to the color rejuvenation of pavers for years. Whether it be a two-part water base, xylene base, or one-component water base, we were never fully satisfied with what we came up with. The film-forming nature of these products produced a final product that looked too “painted” or “stained”. Tint-Seal’s ability to penetrate into the paver and carry the desired tones with it changes the hue of the paver without compromising the natural look of the paver.
What is the process?
Check the surface of the pavers for any existing sealer. If the surface contains an existing sealer, strip with ColorBack Horizontal Hard Surface Stripper.
Clean the surface using standard paver cleaning practices.
Allow pavers to become surface dry before applying Tint-Seal. Do not apply Tint-Seal to a wet or damp surface for the best results. Dry times vary depending on air temperature, wind, and humidity.
Mix the dedicated tint package in the sealer for two (2) minutes directly before use. Stir occasionally to ensure color uniformity.
We recommend applying Tint-Seal with an airless sprayer to achieve the best results. Recommended tip size: .013 - .015. Recommended pressure: Low - Medium. If a pump sprayer is being used, ensure that it reaches full atomization to prevent puddling or over-application. It is important that the machine can produce an even, consistent fan and complete full courses.
Begin at the top or bottom of the desired area and spray full courses from one side to the other achieving a 50% wet-on-wet overlap on each pass. If you must stop spraying before covering the entire area, stop on a joint line.
If additional color is desired. Apply a second coat after 30 minutes.
How To Spray Tint Seal
Tip & Measure Tint Packages
Shop our individual Tint Seal Packages in five different colors.

Charcoal Grey
Slate Grey
Cordova Brown
Morocco Red
Tint-Seal Kits
Our kits are available in 5 Gallons, 2 Gallons, and 1 Gallon and come with a pre-measured tint package.